My Guy Smiley

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Bathtime Ritual

At the very mention of bathtime Guy will usually resist and tell me, "No like bath." Once the water is running and the bubbles are forming he is usually occupied with throwing his toys into the tub. He has boats, blocks, spiders, bugs, frogs, ducks, turtles, balls, bowling pins, cars, rackets, swords, bubble blowers, letters and numbers. Sometimes he will even bring a special toy in with him like his fishing pole.

I am always on the lookout for new bath toys to keep him interested. There was a time when I had to fight him, kicking and screaming to get him into the tub. I went so far as to get in the tub by myself and try to make his toys so tantalizing by laughing and playing with them without him, in order to get him to want to come in the tub with me. Days when I didn't have an extra 15 minutes I had to do a quick dunk and call him clean. Grandpa came in a couple times and asked if I put acid in the water. One would think I had by Guy's reaction to it.

On a good day though, he will climb into the tub and start playing with and talking to his toys. This gives me a chance to drag my stepper into the bathroom and get a work out while he is splashing around in the tub.

Regaedless of his mood, he always dreads it when I wash his hair. He refuses to look up when I pour the water on his head and he will not let me lean him back to dunk it. The result is that the water runs right into his eyes and he worstenens it by wipes the soap into his eyes with his hands.

When that's over he is usually ready to get out of the bathtub. So I'll wrap him in a towel as he climbs out. He gives me a big hug and pushes me over and says, "Down Mommy." We lay on the grown for a few minutes while he calms down. Then I start giving him serberts on his neck and we giggle. Sometimes he tries to give them back. That or he will smoother me with kisses and ask me, "More kisses?"

We get up and I make an attempt to dry his hair. While I am getting his diaper ready he will often sneak out the door and go streaking and squealing into the living room and find Grandma or Grandpa and whoever else might be home. Then I go hunt him down to put his diaper and pajamas on.


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